Thursday, March 5, 2015

London Heathrow, The Death has almost arrived !!!

London !!!!!!!!!!

The place where even today, Kings and Queens still exists, but then the air travel has not gone the way it should have. Thanks to the locals !!! They can`t sleep at night if the planes keep zooming at night, so this led to a series of disasters for the aviation scenario there.

The Heathrow Airport is waiting for development for decades now, and it already functioning at a 98-100% capacity. Since they aren`t developing the airport, the traffic and the passengers are choosing the better option of flying via the Gulf, because that is reasonably cheaper and also fantastic.

I have landed at the Heathrow, and yeah, its air space is really a busy mess. Many a times the flight keep circling in the air for 30 minutes. and when you flight is taking off there is a huge queue, sometimes even 10 planes are waiting on taxiway and from the window you could actually count how many planes were lined before yours.

The vicinity does have a lot of development options and none of them seem to be advancing. It is aptly said, that, if the city or a country has to develop for infrastructure, then some locals have to face hardships.

Considering the fact that, the development isn`t a possible option even in the next decade, they should allow flights to operate during the night which may allow opportunity for more passengers and flights. Frankfurt Airport on the other hand has 4 runways and ample more space for future terminals and runways. So, a lot of share of Heathrow has also transferred there.

A lot of airlines have started flying the A380 to LHR because, that way more people can be commuted, but at this point, there is a need for more landing and take off spots needed. Ironically, the case of LHR also has a side-effect, it seems British Airways may no longer be competitive in the next 4-5 years.

Let`s see if the Queen cares enough and does something about it.

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